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1 Total Score

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1/10 (Expert Score)
Проект оценен как #285 в категории Финансовые рынки
1Expert Score
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1User's score
Удобство сервиса
  • Нет
  • Фейковый брокер
  • Опасные мошенники
  • Разводят на большие деньги
  1. 0.5
    Удобство сервиса

    Менеджер пытался выманить у меня несколько раз крупные суммы. Чтобы я пополнил счет. Даже хамил. Мало что ли было моих 30 тыс? После очередного отказа и угрозы вывести все свои деньги он наконец то отстал. На следующий день от моего счета остались жалкие гроши.

    - CONS: Просто все слили
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  2. 0.5
    Удобство сервиса

    Не понимаю, как вообще повёлся на этот развод, вот реально — обычно вроде у меня достаточно легко и быстро удавалось распознать мошенников, причём буквально с первого взгляда. Здесь же у меня не получилось, и я попался на их очень грамотно расставленную сетку, которая сомкнулась, как только я решил вывести попробовать свои деньги. Естественно мне хотелось зарабатывать легко и просто, причём достаточно быстрым путём — именно поэтому я и решился на сотрудничество с Status Markets, что стало роковой ошибкой в моём случае. И деньги были утеряны безвозвратно, что очевидно меня не устраивало. Надеюсь конечно вернуть хотя бы часть вложений, но уже думаю, что это становится нереальным чем-то.

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  3. 0.5
    Удобство сервиса

    It was a promise after a promise that a withdrawal wold be made every week for the past three weeks. I was convinced (stupidity and trusting on my part) that I should invest more as it was going to be a “major event” for two weeks and then with the Afghanistan event, I lost everything. A Stephan Abrahamyan told me that he had put in $6,000. into my trading account to prevent me from losing the money……how honourable……i hadn’t given permission for this.

    I was told at that time when I was so devistated that I had 4 days to come up with the $9,000 USD. If that would’ve been paid, I would have received as a withdrawal finally of $50,000 USD. I did nothing!

    The following Monday, August 16.21, I suggested that seeing as how he had injected $6,000 USD into my account from the Status Markets, that perhaps he might be interested in injecting $3,000 USD personally as there seemed to be a trust that the company would inject $6,000 USD without my permission, and I would split the profits with him on the withdrawal. No the company wouldn’t allow that.

    I got follow up calls on a daily basis. On Wednesday, August 25, Stephan contacted me to say that the financial department of Status Markets had come up with a new offer for me. All of my promises had been made verbally. I had nothing in writing. I asked Stephan to put it in writing through email to me what was being offered. He did but reluctantly. I was accused of “playing games” with him!!!!! because I wanted it in writing. All of a sudden he was not his professional and promising soul that he had been in the weeks previously.

    So I got it in writing.

    I was told to pay $3,000 CDN (NOT USD as previously arranged) to cover the CREDIT owiing and the “BALANCE OWING” $6,000. USD would be deducted when withdrawn. there is no mention as to where the WITHDRAWAL will be made and deposited to the Coinsquare Account, the Status Markets Account or my Bank.

    I have just written him letting him know that the figures do not jive. I have asked that he email me so that I can have something in writing which was always done just verbally previously.

    I have different numbers he calls from and he cannot be reached at those numbers. A message is never left! 647-483-6887 or 647-483-9825 or 647-483-6891 or 674-483-6910.

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